Etsy Shop for Makidoll

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Happy Holidays~!

I can't believe it's been almost 2 month since my last post. Time is flying away, earth must spinning faster or is it just me ? Is this due to me getting older? There is always a rumor that as you age, time goes faster...

So within past 2 month, I had 2 craft faire, ( one art faire ) and I was busy crafting my life away again.... I was making doll for my friend's daughter. My job was to create 3-D animal out of a illustration she drew. I had no idea how hard it was to do that!

I have more new photos on my recent art and crafts I made! Please check out

Preparation for my son's School Faire, at Honolulu Waldorf School, Waldorfaire planning has begun! It is on March 12, Saturday 2011!
I am crazy enough to step up once again to become a chair for this faire. I don't know why I keep doing this this to myself, I guess the feeling I get from the day after the faire, ( Biggest relieve and happiness that it's over ! and it is such a huge accomplishment... ) it becomes addicting. Well, I say to myself once again, this year would be my last.

Have a Happy Holiday everyone ~
I hope time won't fly again, so I can post something before the New Year!


Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Enchanted Forest Store

My Craft and arts have finally found a perfect place to be sold!

This store is called The Enchanted Forest.

It's the cutest little store in Taiga's School, Honolulu Waldorf School.

Enchanted Forest carries One of a kind Toys, which you see in no other stores.

Mostly handmade, natural material, Waldorf style toys.

I took a photo of the store, where my crafts are displayed.

I hope you can come visit one day!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Felting my life away

Now that my stuff is sold at Enchanted Forest Store, which is my son's school in Niu Valley, Honolulu,
I have decided to join the Art Show, which Honolulu Waldorf had as an event last Friday.

It was lots of fun evening, I was amazed of all the talent of Faculty and parent of Waldorf School.

For this show, I was felting my life away, I just recently decided that I like felting best, out of all the
things I was making, ( knitting animals, paintings and mix media photo things, etc... )

I made another bunny which will be joined by a baby bunny soon, Hula Girl and little fairy hanging piece.
Little strawberry boy was made out of felt too, I spend hours trying to sew it by machine, but found out
you can only do this by hand. I enjoyed hand stitching, I was surprised to that, because I used to hate to.

I guess over the years people do change...

My son, Taiga and his whole class had a chance to dance in Iolani Palace!
It was a such a honor... who would of thought that?!
They did a great job! Thanks to Aunty Kilohana who has taught them to dance
and gave them an opportunity!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My First Craft Faire

My FIrst Craft Booth experience was at the front of Baby awareness Manoa Shopping Center second floor.
It was lots of fun! I was able to meet many other nice vendors.
I have never seen so many expecting mothers and babies at the same time!
It was fun and exciting!

Thanks to all my friends who has came to the faire and supported me.
You guys are awesome! ( actually ladies. )

Also Thanks to Baby awareness for giving me the opportunity, although
this will probably be my first and last craft booth faire, because trying to keep up with
quantity and the due date was really not for me...

My craft has to be made in relaxing, whenever I think it's done is when it's done,
even it takes months!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Baby awareness turns one+ sidewalk sale!

Finally, 2 more days to the Manoa Baby awareness sidewalk sale.
I have been crafting my life away....
Here are some of my finished sculpture!
I hope you can come stop by!

Event schedules looks like this... It's on Saturday 10 am to 2 pm, Manoa Shopping Center 2nd floor.
Fun for the little ones!

10:00 am Event Begins
Snacks Begin
10:30- 11:30 am Story-time with Auntie Pualani
11:00 - 1:00 pm Stuart Coleman “Talk Story” & Book Signing
12:00- 12:30 pm Music with Uncle Wayne Watkins
12:30- 1:30 pm Facepainting with Kami Lozares
1:00-2:00 pm Babywearing Hula Class Demo by Kumu Maile Loo
2:00 pm Event Ends

See you on Saturday!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sidewalk Sale in Manoa!

I am going to have my very first ever sidewalk sale by baby and mom store called "Baby Awareness" in Manoa Shopping Center second floor on August 28th, 10 am- 2 pm ! I am very excited and in process to make the cute stuff for kids and grown ups with children's heart~

Also, " Sugarcane Shop ", cutest little store in Kaimuki Shopping center parking lot is now carrying my stuff! Although most of the needle felt artwork has been sold ... last I heard and I am very excited about that too! Anyway, Sugarcane Shop is my Favorite store! in Honolulu,
please go check it out, if you still haven't, I will promise you probably end up buying something there, even though not my stuff!

I have recently went to Orchid Show in Star of the Sea School cafeteria, beautiful orchids were breathtaking, I don't have green thumb or anything, but I bought this cutest little orchid called candy orchid for $6.00 I pick the one with little bud, I was so scared that it may just not open and drop.... I am kind of person, I usually under/0ver water plant and kills it. ( Of course not purposefully ... ) I did water it with L&TC, and put it in perfect spot ( that I can think of ) and as you seen in a photo , it bloomed beautifully ! I was so Happy! It still is there, such a small flower, but so powerful!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cutie Dogs

I love dogs! I love dogs! I love dogs!

My girl friend has moved to New zealand...
She asked me to dog-sit her golden retriever mix, Abby.

She is such a beautiful dog.

We had a Farewell Yakitori ( Japanese style barbeque skewed chicken )
party for her, guest included cute Chihuahua , Maaya and Lucky.

My girl friend ask me to make a stuffed animal for her daughter,
of Knuffle Bunny. I was not aware of it, but it seems to be a big hit
story book character among the little ones.

I showed it to my son, he said " Mama, I loved knuffle bunny when I was first grade!
did you know it was lime green?" I was in shock . yes, my knuffle bunny was white.
I researched it on line, it looked kind of cream color to me.
He also said, "mom, you can tell her that this is a special white color one just for her,
but as you know Kindergardeners can be very difficult. She might says
it's not knuffle bunny....."
When I emailed her mom with the white version photo attachment, she said
" it's beautiful, I am sure my daughter will love it, she likes white,
more then green anyway. She will have one and only White Knuffle Bunny!
How lucky can she be?!" I know she is so sweet that she doesn't have a heart to tell me
" Oh, can you make another one?"

Friday, May 28, 2010

Makimouse painting

Love will keep us together~

There was a song which keeps on playing in my head.

little fuzzy heart is made out of wool fiber.
Painted with acrylic and some glitter~

Hula girl, which I made for an auction is cotton and wool stuffing.
It's really soft. I made skirt and bikini top as well.
She is wearing shell neck lace and Hakulei on the head.

It's fun to make dolls.

I was on this month The Studio! ( Artist's Studio magazine )
I love my studio, if you have chance to browse book store
please check it out!


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

MakiMouse Second episode

MakiMouse Manga episode#2! on Twitpic

Here is my new Makimouse Manga!
Just bought a new software, it's so confusing, but I can't
stop making the manga.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

MakiMouse First Manga!

I am happy to introduce Makimouse, my cute little mouse in Manga ( cartoon )!
I hope you enjoy~!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New Arts

My new creation is wool felt art call Alice in Wonderland. I love the world of Alice, live in little world or imagination or is it the real world?
The material I use is 100% Wool. I needle felted to hand dyed felt back ground.
This time I placed it inside the photo frame, so you can stand it everywhere.

Alice with Caterpillar will on sale in Sugarcane shop in Kaimuki, Honolulu HI
1137 11th Ave, #101 ( 808 ) 739-2263

Thursday, April 15, 2010

My husband took a long waited vacation to Lanai Island.
( although we live in Hawaii).
He didn't take any vacation last year.
I can't believe some people can keep on going without it.
Well, may be because we are living in Hawaii.

We just love Lanai Island and kept going back there.
Golf course is awesome.
Four Season Hotel has superior services, which makes you feel as
very important guest.
They have many complimentary service.
Their Sauna is complimentary to the guest, snorkels and Fins, Lemon Water, Lemonade,
Beach and Pool deck chair with or without shades which includes towel setting, sometimes they come around with ice candy, face spray service for refreshing, cold and hot towels, even a suntan lotion!
In Waikiki, you have to pay everything! So when I consider this service, room rate is not bad at all. Let's say you borrowed snorkels and fins and vest for $20.00 for an hour. and you have 4 family member. ... or if you keep have to buying battle of water for $2.75 a battle ( Hotel price )
for all your family member.
This is the one of the many reason we are going back there...
Especially if you are Kamaaina, ( Hawaii Residents) will get special room rate!

Our Number 1 reason we are going back there is, Four Season Hotel is one of the few pet friendly hotels in Hawaii. so we travel with Anni, 4 lb. Chihuahua.
Of course, your pet has to be obedient, can't growl or bark to children and stuff,
or can't bark in the room.
She must be bag trained, so incase of many difficult situation ( air travel) ,
your puppy must go inside the bag and keep calm.
But if your dog is trained, it's so much fun to travel with them!

There is so many turkeys in Lanai. It's fun to watch them !
Makimouse #5 also traveled along~ See more MakiMouse on my website!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

going to North

I used to travel all around the island, when I was a tourist. It's been 10 years since started living here, the time I took to travel to various sight seeing spot has become less and less.

North Shore seems million miles away, when there is a beach 3 min. away all around you.

But my sister and family came from LA. They booked a hotel in North Shore and we promised to meet up.
Even my husband, who usually never leave home decided to come along!

Driving scenery was just as beautiful as 10 years ago. The famous spot, where you pass pineapple fields and at the top of the upslope hill, all of sudden you see breathtaking ocean never changed.

I should go out more often to re-explore this beautiful island, I thought. Don't leave all the good things to the tourist.... but I adopted Hawaiian style real quick, which is just relax and take it easy whenever you have extra time, and that's not a bad life style either.



Friday, March 26, 2010

Alice in wonderland

Among all the little girls, I have always fancy Alice in wonderland.

Recent big hit of movie, theme of Alice came back to the world~!

There is a park 3 min. from my house where we go let our dogs play.

I took a photo of my favorite tree, which I feel like it's talking to me all the time.

I printed my photo on cotton fabric, then collage it with Alice in mind.

Here is the finished piece. My husband thought I cut off page of some books

then, pasted on canvas. Indeed, finish project was wonderland!

Please visit my site, MakiArts.
you can go to my shop on etsy from there!


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ulupono Heiau trip with Hula Kumu

Heiau is a very special sacred place in Hawaii culture.

Long ago, people used to sacrifice themselves to a god to order to avoid
natural disaster.
I was scared to go there because of the thought of sacrificing, but I was surprised to find myself very peaceful and calm feeling after I got there.

There are many Hawaiian origin plant over there you can see such as Mape, Hala, Kukui , Taro field, Noni, etc.
People of Hawaii volunteered to clean up and restore this place, it really is beautiful to go see.

There are many heiaus in Hawaii, but this one is famous because of it's size. It's in Kailua, right off Pali Highway. If you make left turn right after Kamahameha, before you hit Kalanianaole hwy on Pali, ( you see gas station on right side),
you will find YMCA, it's right at back of it.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lovely Bear, Teddy

Here is my newest creation, Lovely bear.
He is a big ( actually about 5.5 inches tall ) needle sculpted wool bear.
I was going to make a easter bunny, then somehow it turned into bear.

I am kind of a person who reads 2-3 books at the same time.
Meaning, I get bored reading one thing all the time.
I choose my book according to my moods.

It's same as my artwork.
I am making heart mixed media art on canvas, I am doing another heart piece on felt,
I am about to do collage from MakiMouse photo.

I just work on it whichever I want to work on that moment.

I hope your like my " Teddy"

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Fairy Baby

I have decided to add an baby fairy to my project. Now it looks like fairy mom and child is working in flower garden!

Honolulu is very cold today... sorry to all the visitors who has came in this week... not too much swimming I am guessing.

Mahalo & Aloha

Friday, March 19, 2010


Here is my finished easter bunny! isn't she lovely?

She has a little crochet flower on her head. she is stuffed with 100% wool filling and she is very soft.

if you are interested to see some of my other item, please check out my website,