Etsy Shop for Makidoll

Friday, May 28, 2010

Makimouse painting

Love will keep us together~

There was a song which keeps on playing in my head.

little fuzzy heart is made out of wool fiber.
Painted with acrylic and some glitter~

Hula girl, which I made for an auction is cotton and wool stuffing.
It's really soft. I made skirt and bikini top as well.
She is wearing shell neck lace and Hakulei on the head.

It's fun to make dolls.

I was on this month The Studio! ( Artist's Studio magazine )
I love my studio, if you have chance to browse book store
please check it out!


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

MakiMouse Second episode

MakiMouse Manga episode#2! on Twitpic

Here is my new Makimouse Manga!
Just bought a new software, it's so confusing, but I can't
stop making the manga.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

MakiMouse First Manga!

I am happy to introduce Makimouse, my cute little mouse in Manga ( cartoon )!
I hope you enjoy~!