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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Happy Holidays~!

I can't believe it's been almost 2 month since my last post. Time is flying away, earth must spinning faster or is it just me ? Is this due to me getting older? There is always a rumor that as you age, time goes faster...

So within past 2 month, I had 2 craft faire, ( one art faire ) and I was busy crafting my life away again.... I was making doll for my friend's daughter. My job was to create 3-D animal out of a illustration she drew. I had no idea how hard it was to do that!

I have more new photos on my recent art and crafts I made! Please check out

Preparation for my son's School Faire, at Honolulu Waldorf School, Waldorfaire planning has begun! It is on March 12, Saturday 2011!
I am crazy enough to step up once again to become a chair for this faire. I don't know why I keep doing this this to myself, I guess the feeling I get from the day after the faire, ( Biggest relieve and happiness that it's over ! and it is such a huge accomplishment... ) it becomes addicting. Well, I say to myself once again, this year would be my last.

Have a Happy Holiday everyone ~
I hope time won't fly again, so I can post something before the New Year!
